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Getting a handle on things

I decided to hold off on finish welding the fuselage until my tech councilor could check it over and, if necessary, I could make changes while it was still relatively easy.


So instead I started tackling smaller projects.

I started by welding up the control stick. Then moved on to rudder pedals, torque tube, and the forward torque tube bracket. I bought myself and entry-level TIG welder and after a bit of practice I thought I would try it out on some airplane parts. The rudder pedals, torque tube, and mounting bracket were all TIG welded. The pedals turned out okay, but I had mis-measured the scrap I made them from and they were too short. The bracket turned out great, TIG made welding on the little sheet-metal feet pretty simple. 


The torque tube was... not great. All it consists of is a 1" diameter tube with a steel bushing welded on in the center for the control stick to pivot on. But, try as I might, I just could not get that stupid little bushing to weld on right. I welded most of the way around it, but the last little section of weld just kept bubbling and spitting like I had no argon, but I could hear the argon running as I welded. I ground that section out over and over, but couldn't get it to weld. Finally I pulled out the oxy-acetylene torch and welded it up no problem. Well, small problem, the bushing was off center and made the control stick bind. Sigh. I cut it off, made a new bushing but left it long so I could trim it to be perfect. Had the same bear of a time trying to TIG weld the new bushing on. It went better, but was still a pain in the tuchus. This time I realized what I was fighting was probably air trapped in the space between the bushing and torque tube. When I finally got the weld finished I trimmed the bushing, tested the fit, and... somehow I cut the bushing too short. Out came the grinder, away went the bushing. I'll try again later and probably drill a vent hole under the bushing to let any trapped air out. We'll see what that does.

I also took this time to finish-weld the stabilizers, elevator, and rudder, then straighten out the resulting weld distortions and add hinges. Apparently I didn't take any pictures of that; too busy working. 

Total Time: 566.5hr


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