After the burst of activity that was sourcing drag wire stock I let the project lag again. I don't know why. Excuses range from "busy working", to "I didn't feel like it", to "the garage is a disaster." Any way, I'm back at it again for a little while. Some ancillary projects were completed, flashback arrestors on the welding torch and cleaning a sticky regulator, cleaning the garage, and building adjustable sawhorses for wing assembly.
Adjustable sawhorse. |
Leveling feet. |
I got a coat of zinc-phosphate primer on my finished wing fittings to stave off rust.
Last night I finished preparing the new aileron control horns. I bent the old ones wrong and they cracked slightly, unairworthy but useful for practice. The new ones are bent correctly and only need some welding completed before they can get primed too. On that vein, I'm practicing my welding and am finally getting some welds I feel good about. They might not be pretty yet, certainly not perfect, but they have full penetration and look strong compared to my first attempts. I need to get better about adding filler rod and keeping the bead size uniform.
That's it for now, I'll keep plugging away at it. I need to get the drag wire attach brackets bent
to shape.
Decent, but not great welds. |
Backside of the above welds. |
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