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Showing posts from July, 2019

Big progress slow, or small progress now?

This is just a small update to say I've been working on an airplane. I've been doing a lot of reading on home-building aircraft lately and one of the "hints" I've run across over and over again is, "work on it every day;" most articles say to work an hour a day, and I've laughed at them. After a 10 hour work day, some time to decompress, then make and eat dinner, I have precious little time to spend in the garage before 9PM rolls around and I stop making noise in order to keep peace with the neighbors who also share our triplex apartment. However, recently I read an article suggesting half hour stints and another that just said, "Do something every day, no matter how small. A light bulb went on in my head. There was that A-HA moment when I realized I didn't have to stick to a schedule.  Please bear with me as I explain. When I started I took the process of building my airplane and broke it down into some fairly large chunks, lis...